Emmett Stoy's Uganda Experience


Hi there, my name is Emmett Stoy. I’m 19 years old and I’d like to tell you a little bit about
myself. I grew up in Northern California, attended a charter school called Indian Valley Academy
(IVA). While attending IVA I took part in some really cool projects. I was a team leader in a fire
institute, was a team leader on a Kid Mob project in San Francisco, was a contributor to the application for the XQ school grant, attended a humanitarian school trip to Uganda, won first place in the Plumas Global Business Plan Competition 2017, and led a team in
IVA’s annual Project Based Learning.

When a group of us traveled to Uganda in 2017 most of us were pretty nervous, seeing
how some of us had never even left the west coast. Now this coming March, one year, later I will
be going back to Uganda as a team leader. I can say confidently that because of IVA teachers
guidance and the help of my parents I have the necessary skills to lead my own team.

Susan Weber