Off the Beaten Path

One of the things that I have learned so far is the value and necessity of slowing down. There is an easy constant rhythmic pace that seems to demand your respect. I feel nurtured here in a way that I can't really explain. It started from the very first day, but was much more pronounced when I had the opportunity to work at a local medical clinic. I actually felt a bit apprehensive about being apart from the team and being on my own. Mostly, I was hoping that the language barrier would not limit my experience. I was fully aware that no matter what happened, it would change something in me for good.

I ended up spending three days with the most loving and hard working people you could possibly imagine. We worked out of the clinic, spent an afternoon giving meds at the school, and trekked around the rainforest on a day of home visits. It was absolutely unbelievable and I will never be able to express the gratitude that I have for this opportunity.

Alvin is the main visionary and director of the organization called Inpact. He is an amazing humanitarian who has a passion to serve. He has created many jobs and options for the people here and it is changing their lives. He has opened the main clinic, organizes community clinics for the poor and has a small farm for local youths to learn specific farming practices for sustainability.

Elly is a confident young man who is part of the crew. He has the biggest smile and good driving skills. He has a cheerfulness that put me at ease in the midst of the difficulty here. He always understood my jokes and was a great comfort to me.

Bob, the doctor is kind and extremely caring. He would give his last possession to better someone else and this was painfully humbling for me, to say the least. I loved my interactions with Bob because he was very thorough and full of joy to be teaching me.

Alivera, the midwife, and I became instant friends. I was inspired and drawn to her the most. The amount of patience and courage she possesses shows a confidence and emotionally strong manner that I could only hope to learn, in my own journey in life. My favorite thing about her was her rambunctious infectious laugh that helped to soothe any awkwardness or difficult task.

The work here is so worthy of support. They are in such great need of funds to continue. If you are looking for ways to impact this world, consider donating. You can visit to learn more at the website at :

I will be forever changed and blessed by this whole trip, but especially for the amazing time spent with these brilliant people. I hope to be a part of many more trips in the future.
Love and Blessings to you all!
Your friend,

Alicia Carmichael

Alisha Carmichael